Dear friends,

In the context of expert work in the Eurasian Economic Commission on the implementation of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025 in terms of cooperation with the World Customs Organization (WCO), I bring to your attention previously completed studies on the membership of the Eurasian Economic Union in the WCO, as well as accession to fundamental legal instruments and tools of this international organization.

Sergei Mozer

Сustoms Academy: SCIENCE

Telegram: https://t.me/teloneum





Sergei Mozer. Legal and organizational basis for economic and customs unions to get the status of member of the World Customs Organization»: monograph /S.V. Mozer. Moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Customs Academy, 2022. 462 pages.URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14986

Mozer Sergei. International legal status of observers in the World Customs Organization: analytical review / S.V. Mozer. Moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Customs Academy, 2021. 86 pages. URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14345

Mozer Sergei. Legal instrument and tools of the World Customs Organization: guide. Moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Customs Academy, 2021. — 134 pages. URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14078


Mozer Sergei. Analysis of the legal status of observers in the World Customs Organization // Economic Problems and Legal Practice. — № 1. — 2022. (Article) URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14576

Sergei Mozer. On the issue of the organization of effective legal relations with the World Customs Organization: recommendations for customs and economic unions // Problems of Economics and legal practice. — № 4. — 2022. (Article) URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14597

Sergei Mozer. Organizational and legal aspects of the European Communities membership in the World Customs Organization as a precedent for customs and economic unions // Socio-political Sciences. — № 4. — 2022. (Article) URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=14924

Mozer Sergei. Analysis of the legal instruments of the European Union regulating its legal status in the World Customs Organization// Problems of economics and legal practice. — №5. — 2022 (Article). URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=15114  

Mozer Sergei. Analysis of stages and organizational and legal features of obtaining membership by the European Union in the World Customs Organization // Problems in Russian Legislation. — №6. — 2022. (Article) (in Russian). URL: https://customs-academy.net/?p=17773

Mozer Sergei.Organizational and legal features of obtaining by the European Union rights and obligations akin to those of the World Customs Organization Members. Gaps in Russian Legislation. — №7.- 2022.(Article) URL:  https://customs-academy.net/?p=17899

Mozer Sergei.To the issue of the methodology for assessing the level of development of customs regulation in the EEU, taking into account legal means of the World Customs Organization // Gaps in Russian Legislation. — № 1.- 2023.(Article). URL: http://customs-academy.net/?p=16375