Dear friends,

On March 9, 2023, the Report on the analysis and the pathway to paperless trade was presented to your attention, which in 2022 was prepared and published by the APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures.

Continuing to acquaint you with legal instruments and tools to improve customs regulation and trade facilitation, I suggest you to familiarize yourself with the «Cross-border Paperless Trade Toolkit (Accelerating Trade Digitalization through the Use of Standards)», published in June 2022 by the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP),  United Nations Commission On International Trade Law (UNISTRAL).

The developers of this toolkit in the annotation to the publication note that using electronic documents and transactions can speed up and increase trade. Electronic messages can eliminate the need to enter data into a computer manually at each supply chain checkpoint and can provide opportunities for the potential reuse of data. This toolkit aims at raising awareness of the technical and legal tools to be called upon to adopt cross-border paperless trade systems and national single windows

The mentioned Toolkit is published in English, French and Spanish.

Researchers who do not speak foreign languages are  recommended to start studying them. Personal experience shows that their knowledge provides you with great opportunities, both in the professional sphere and in the field of scientific research.

The published Cross-border Paperless Trade Toolkit can be found here.

Sergei Mozer

Russian Сustoms Academy: SCIENCE


