Dear friends and colleagues,

As part of the study of relevant legal instruments and tools, as well as best practices in customs regulation, we turned to the materials of the APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Proceduress, published in 2022. We recommend to get acquainted with report on the analysis and the pathway to paperless trade.

This report provides the background and input to the drafting of the APEC SCCP Guidelines for Paperless Trade, which were endorsed by the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures in November 2021.

The report is split into two parts:

  1. APEC Paperless Trade Facilitation –  This part discusses and provides an analysis of the «why» for paperless trade, examines how paperless trade is addressed in current agreements, and provides high level components for paperless trade.
  2. The Pathway to Paperless Trade – This part provides the tactical framework, policy, and procedures to implement paperless trade in further detail.

The report can be viewed at the link

Notice: The APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP), which reports to the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), was established in 1994 as a forum to fulfil the commitments of APEC Leaders and Ministers relating to customs matters. The SCCP’s goals are focused on trade facilitation, trade security and related enforcement matters, considering the responsibility of each customs administration for the effective implementation of legitimate border measures. The goals, structure and administration of the SCCP are laid out in its Terms of Reference.

According to the Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the SCCP’s vision is to be an incubator for innovation and technology-led customs. The SCCP will lead trade facilitation and trade security measures that promote inclusive growth and create more connected, secure, and resilient global supply chains across the APEC region.

Russian customs Academy: SCIENCE

