Dedicated to Tamara Buyanova

Dear friends!

We bring to your attention a collection of publications of Sergei Mozer on the issues of membership of economic and customs unions in the World Customs Organization (WCO) – LEGAL STATUS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION.

The results of the study may be of interest to supranational governing bodies of customs and economic unions in the world, both in terms of considering their membership in the WCO and organizing effective customs cooperation with the World Customs Organization.

The collection of publications examines the prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to get the WCO membership status, analyzes the legal status of observers, as well as the experience of the EU as a precedent for the EEU in terms of membership in the Organization. It also discusses the legal issues related to the EU request, risks, and distribution of competencies between the EU and the Member States, as well as the steps to obtain the desired legal statute.

Sergei Mozer

Along with this, the legal, institutional and financial implications of the EU’s accession to the WCO, legal issues and the results of amendments to the Convention on Establishing a Customs Cooperation Council, as well as proposals from interested parties on granting the EU a new legal status are analyzed.

The research paper analyzes the final acts of the WCO Council on giving the EU in 2007 rights and obligations akin to those enjoyed by WCO members, as well as the identified contradictions with WCO law in connection with these actions.

In our opinion, the analysis of the EU legal instruments in terms of membership in the WCO and the formed practical proposals deserve attention.

The formulated conclusions and suggestions are the private point of view of the author and are not related to his professional activities.

In the light of the foregoing, we hope that the research material presented to your attention will be useful for subsequent scientific research and practical work of the expert community in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The book can be found at this link.

Sergei Mozer


Сustoms Academy: SCIENCE


