The 85th session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (Committee) will be held from 21 to 24 February 2023.
Note: The Inland Transport Committee, established in 1947, is the highest policy-making body of UNECE in the field of transport. During the course of the past 75 years, together with its subsidiary bodies, it has provided a unique intergovernmental forum where countries come together to forge tools for economic cooperation and adopt international legal instruments on inland transport..
The agenda and materials of the Committee meeting can be found here.
Among the topics planned for consideration, certain issues are related to customs regulation and the introduction of digital technologies. In our opinion, the following reference materials of the Committee are of interest:
– Information and computerization technologies;
– The eTIR International System;
– Operationalization of the electronic CMR consignment note (eCMR).
The materials are presented in Russian, English and French. Accordingly, their content will be easy to read for interested persons (students, graduate students, teachers) who research the issues of trade facilitation, improvement of customs administration, as well as international legal instruments and tools.
Reference materials can be used as part of the educational process at the university, as well as conducting seminars.
Russian Сustoms Academy: SCIENCE