День: 15.10.2019

The Heads of Regional Training Centres in Asia/Pacific gathered to discuss the way to further contribute to the region

The 17th Meeting of the Heads of Asia/Pacific WCO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) was held at the Customs Border Control Training Institute (CBCTI) in Cheonan, Korea, on 25-26 September 2019.  The meeting was opened by Dr. Anna Cho, Director General of the CBCTI and was chaired by Mr. Jae-ho Jung, Director of Multilateral Cooperation Division of the Korea Customs Service.  The Heads of the six RTCs in the region (namely RTC Fiji, RTC Hong Kong China, RTC India, RTC Japan, RTC Korea and RTC Malaysia), representatives from the WCO Secretariat, Asia/Pacific Vice-Chair Office and Asia/Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P) participated in the meeting, as well as an observer from Indonesia Customs.