The second day of the Moscow International Model of the WCO began with an analysis of the current situation in the field of regulation of international trade and security, considered in the format of lectures of Russian and foreign experts and practitioners.
The scientific and practical aspects of the formation of the digital customs institution in the Member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter – the EEU, the Union) were discussed in a lecture of Mr. Sergei Mozer, Deputy Head of Division of Advanced Customs Technologies, Department of Customs Legislation of the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter – EEC, Commission), PhD in Law. The theme is «Formation of the digital customs institute: capacity building aspect». The representative of the EEC spoke about the improvement of customs regulation in the EEU, taking into account the interaction of the Union and the World Customs Organization.
Today, the problematic of formation of a digital customs institution is relevant for the EEU Member states and the international customs community. It was noted that in the customs block of the Commission in the context of the development of the «single window» mechanism in the EEU Member States, it has been performed the author’s study «Digital Customs. WCO Experience». It reflects the conceptual approaches of the WCO working bodies on the development of the digital customs. In the near future, the results of the study will be published in the form of a monograph.
Within the framework of the lecture Mozer Sergei touched upon the history of the development of the institute of electronic and digital customs, analyzed the problems of creating the concept of digital customs, the Digital Customs Maturity Model, as well as the WCO Program on digital customs. Special attention was paid to the work of the WCO working bodies to create digital customs. In his opinion, studying the instruments and tools of customs regulation created in the WCO as part of the interaction of Customs Administrations of the world allows us to understand the main directions of development of customs, as well as the specifics of the work of the World Customs Organization.
In a video-conferencing mode, a lecture on «UN / CEFACT – the importance of semantic standards» was delivered to delegates by Lance Thompson, Secretary to the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business, Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva.
Svetlana Razmoska, professor at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at the University of St. Kliment Ohridski (Northern Macedonia), in her presentation in the form of video conferencing, touched upon the problems of cyber threats and particular financial markets.
The lectures and presentations given by foreign specialists allowed the participants of the Moscow International Model of the WCO to understand the significance of the event, to develop tactical and strategic directions for further research on the functioning of the World Customs Organization, as well as issues of customs development in the world community.
The positions of the countries participating in the Moscow International Model of the WCO on the topics under discussion were presented by delegates at the Committee meetings.
“Russian Customs Academy: SCIENCE”
May 25th, 2019