День: 21.02.2019

Руслан Давыдов: «Создавая «фабрики электронного декларирования», мы минимизируем риск коррупции»

20 февраля 2019 года первый заместитель руководителя ФТС России Руслан Давыдов провел встречу с представителями бизнеса на базе Московского областного таможенного поста (ЦЭДа Московской областной таможни). Мероприятие приурочено к началу заключительного этапа концентрации в данном ЦЭДе декларационного массива таможенных постов Московской областной таможни (МОТ).

Regional Workshop on Air Cargo Security and Facilitation – an opportunity for enhanced collaboration between Customs and Aviation Authorities working on the ground

From 11 to 15 February 2019, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) held a third joint Workshop on Air Cargo Security and Facilitation.  The workshop was organized at the East African School of Aviation (EASA) in Nairobi, Kenya, with the financial support of the Korea Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF-Korea) and the assistance of the EASA and the ICAO Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) Office as well as the WCO East and Southern Africa Regional Office for Capacity Building (WCO ESA ROCB).  This workshop has been promoted as a part of the ICAO/WCO Joint Action Plan in order to identify the most effective means of cooperation between the two organizations in harmonizing related aviation security measures.